Weather archive (at the location) | |
scattered clouds 21 °C ( 19 °C / 23 °C) |
Event(s) | Option | Price | Type | class | |
4. AG Cupturnier der ÖHU |
20,00 | Überweisung (Vorkasse) | LK1, LK2, LK3, Oldies, Jugend, ParA |
Name | Dog | class | class | |
Hlavacek Waltraud | (AT) | Budi | LK2 | S |
Hlavacek Waltraud | (AT) | Leeloo | LK1 | S |
Hofstätter Franz | (AT) | Maple | LK3 | L |
Petruj Melanie | (AT) | Bella | LK3 | S |
Sammereyer Lena | (AT) | Chester | LK1 | L |
Schulze Bianca | (AT) | Brania | LK2 | L |
Seir Sandra | (AT) | Kira | Oldies | S |
Thanner Walter | (AT) | Aiko | LK2 | L |
Tikovits Michaela | (AT) | Monte | LK3 | M |
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