Weather archive (at the location) | |
clear sky 24 °C ( 23 °C / 24 °C) |
Name | Dog | class | class | |
Berndorfer Sabine | (AT) | Adonis | LK3 | M |
Berndorfer Sabine | (AT) | Azzy Dizzy | LK3 | S |
Buchholzer Sophie | (AT) | Luna | LK3 | L |
Fried Katharina | (AT) | Brit | LK3 | L |
Fried Katharina | (AT) | Face | LK3 | L |
Fried Katharina | (AT) | Marni | LK1 | S |
Fried Katharina | (AT) | Picco | LK3 | S |
Fried Katharina | (AT) | Venus | LK3 | L |
Grein Tina | Arani | LK2 | L | |
Hertenberger Inge | (AT) | Minou | LK3 | S |
Hlavacek Waltraud | (AT) | Budi | LK1 | S |
Kauscheder Florian | (AT) | Lucy | LK1 | L |
Lechnitz Alfred | (AT) | Joy | LK1 | S |
Lovass Lara | (AT) | Infinity | LK2 | L |
Mandl-Mösinger Helene | (AT) | Bendix | LK3 | L |
Mandl-Mösinger Helene | (AT) | Gin | LK3 | L |
Mandl-Mösinger Helene | (AT) | Ro | LK2 | L |
Masana Andrea | (AT) | Bambina | LK1 | L |
Mayrhofer Sandra | (AT) | Vinny | LK3 | L |
Mladek Sonja | (AT) | Elvis | LK2 | L |
Mladek Sonja | (AT) | Trigger | LK3 | L |
Mlaker Renate | (AT) | Buddy | LK2 | L |
Mösinger Manfred | (AT) | Alice | LK1 | L |
Mösinger Manfred | (AT) | Rango | LK2 | S |
Poindl Uschi | (AT) | Letty | LK3 | M |
Posset Sabrina | (AT) | Ruby | LK1 | L |
Reichetzer Petra | (AT) | Pixxel | LK2 | S |
Reichetzer Petra | (AT) | Puce | LK1 | S |
Riegler Karin | (AT) | Faye | LK3 | S |
Riegler Karin | (AT) | Kate | LK3 | S |
Schäfer Doris | (AT) | Zookie | LK3 | S |
Schmutterer Anja | (AT) | Panda | LK2 | L |
Sebesta Silke | (AT) | MacGyver | LK2 | L |
Sebesta Silke | (AT) | Sir Henry | LK2 | L |
Swoboda Elisabeth | (AT) | Mosquito | LK3 | S |
Swoboda Elisabeth | (AT) | Ticksi | LK2 | M |
Wolf Martina | (AT) | Ulani | LK3 | M |
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